What is NLP and Time Line Therapy?

The title of this blogpost is a question I often get asked a lot as almost all my sessions include both of these techniques – so I thought I would break it down for you. This is the second release in my audio series called: In Conversation with Desirae Jaenen, and I am excited to share more with you through conversation. Feel free to listen on your way to work, or while your cooking. I always love a good multitask opportunity.

Have you ever wondered why you are the way you are? NLP may have some answers for you! NLP, or Neuro-Linguistic-Programming refers to how your mind understands, codes and therefore responds to the world around you. It encompasses your thoughts, ideas and belief systems and how you interpret and perceive your experiences. In this audio recording I will be discussing the conscious and subconscious mind and what roles each of them play to support you, as well as keep you safe, small and feeling stuck in your life. I will also be discussing how trauma or any "overwhelming experience" can get imprinted into ones nervous system (body) and belief system (mind). If you haven’t listened to my last audio series, Clearing Trauma: The Secret to Happiness – I highly recommend you check it out as we reference it in this recording.

Through Neuro-Linguistic-Programming and a specific set of process called Time Line Therapy – we can clear away past junk that is no longer serving you, adjust your code and essentially upgrade your entire life experience. You'll learn why the Law of Attraction doesn't always work and why you are more like your parents than you want to believe. We will also go over how what you feel (hurt, anger, grief etc.) might not be your emotional baggage after all.

With fall already here – I invite you make yourself a cup of tea, get cozy and lean in to listen! Let’s unpack a few techniques that we might use at your next session.


To discovering you,
