Pineapple & Avocado Salsa

Holy, August. That came quick. Before summer slips by, I wanted to share one of my favourite treats. Watch, it'll become one of yours too. 

Before we get into it – I wanted to provide some context. I grew up so blessed to have healthy, nutritious food on the table but it didn't always feel like a blessing. I remember friends not wanting to sleep over because there was absolutely no chance of a pop tart or fruit loops for breakfast. Instead, my mom served us ruby red grapefruits, fresh strawberries and cream and steel cut oatmeal with a dash of cinnamon and drizzle of honey. Little did she know she was programming me for life. Because of her, I learned to appreciate and prepare real living food, and now I hope to pass that love onto you. Here is one of my go to summer faves. 


Sweet, sour, spicy and crunchy, this salsa packs texture, flavour and colour all into one great dish.  Want to make patio burgers more decadent? Pile it on. How about giving your fish or quesadillas a little zing? Yup, that too.  This salsa can be enjoyed on top of everything! Or, simply served with tortilla chips or in lettuce boats as a healthy summer snack.  

What you will need:

  • 2 tbsp freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 1 tbsp tequila (optional for extra kick)
  • ½ ripe trimmed pineapple – finely chopped
  • ¼ cup balsamic vinegar
  • ½ small red onion - diced
  • 1-2  jalapeno peppers  – seeded and minced
  • ½ cup finely chopped cilantro
  • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1½ avocado – diced
  • Salt and pepper to taste

What you will do:

First put on your favourite Mexican, or other up beat music. Toss your hair in a pony and start to get your groove on. If you are going to prepare food, you might as well enjoy it - and inject some love vibes into it. Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl (while lip synching) and refrigerate for an hour before serving to allow flavours to combine.  

Stays 2-3 days refrigerated. It's also the perfect dish to bring to a BBQ to spicen things up (literally). 


This tart and tangy summer salsa is sure to curl your toes. 
